Joining NELIYI and IY(UK)

To join or renew your membership of NELIY, please visit Membership on the website of our national organisation, IY(UK). Follow the directions to join via a member group (this is cheaper than joining as an individual IY(UK) member), and look for North East London Iyengar Yoga in the list.

If you have any queries about membership, please get in touch with our Membership Secretary via the Contact form on this website.

NELIY is a Member Group of Iyengar Yoga (UK). IY(UK) - which you might hear referred to by its old name, the 'Iyengar Yoga Association' or  'IYA' - provides information about Iyengar Yoga and yoga events in the United Kingdom. Members of NELIY are automatically members of IY(UK), so will receive a copy of the Iyengar Yoga News magazine twice a year. Also, IY(UK) members are invited to attend an annual yoga convention, with classes led by  distinguished yoga teachers from the UK, India and elsewhere. Iyengar Yoga (UK) Ltd., as the professional organisation of Iyengar yoga practitioners in the UK, is also responsible for maintaining standards of teaching of Iyengar yoga, and for the assessment and certification of those wishing to teach. All active Iyengar yoga teachers in the UK must belong to IY(UK) and hold the Iyengar Yoga Certification Mark. You can find out more about IY(UK) and Iyengar Yoga at, where you can also search for Iyengar Yoga teachers in your area.

Privacy statement

NELIY respects your right to privacy and is committed to responsible collection, protection, use and management of your personal information. This policy sets out how NELIY complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) to ensure that the personal data of members and non-members are kept in a secure environment.

What information do we collect about you?

NELIY holds personal data about members and non-members. By joining NELIY as a member or by booking to attend an event held by NELIY, you are giving your consent to us to hold this information.

Joining NELIY as a member

When you join NELIY or renew your membership this is done through the Iyengar Yoga (UK)’s website. NELIY’s membership secretary, via a password protected portal to the IY(UK)’s database, can obtain details of your name, email address, mobile/telephone number and whether you are a teacher or non-teacher.

Attending events held by NELIY

When booking an event on our website, we ask you for your email address and telephone number. Any further personal data, processed through PayPal secure payment system, are not held by NELIY.

Why do we hold this information?

Members of NELIY

We hold personal data to be able to manage your membership of NELIY and to contact you about information relevant to your membership and by adding you to our mailing list for any forthcoming events. Your telephone number is required for practical issues, such as any unforeseen cancellation to a workshop you may be attending.

Non-members of NELIY

Following your first booking for a NELIY event, your email address is added to our mailing list so that we can keep you informed of forthcoming events held by NELIY. Your telephone number is required for any unforeseen cancellation to the workshop.

What is our Mailing list?

NELIY’s mailing list is designed to give members and non-members details of forthcoming events. If a member or non-member does not wish to be on the mailing list for events they can unsubscribe by emailing our membership officer with the subject line “UNSUBSCRIBE”.

How long will we store your information?

Members’ personal data will be held while they are members of NELIY. However, email addresses will remain on the mailing list even if a member leaves, unless NELIY is advised that they want to unsubscribe. In the case of email enquires we’ll store your details for up to one year.

Who has access to your information?

Your personal data is stored securely and access to the information is restricted to specific committee members who need relevant information for administration and management of membership and events, and promotion of our events. The data may be visible to technical contractors working on NELIY’s information and communication systems.

Security of your information

NELIY does not share any personal data with any organisation or person without your agreement or where required by law, nor do we sell contact lists.

NELIY uses industry standard technology to ensure the security of data we hold, and endeavours to protect against loss, misuse or alteration of any data provided to us. Data transmission over the internet is inherently unsecure and no transmission can be guaranteed as entirely secure.

Website cookies may be set automatically by our software.  We do not knowingly access these or pass to third parties.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our Privacy statement or the personal data we hold about you.

NB: NELIY Members should also read the Privacy Policy on IY(UK)'s website, since IY(UK) collects and holds data on NELIY members.

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